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Bull Terrier Puppy Character

Bull Terrier Puppy

Bull Terrier Puppy

Bull Terrier Puppy

Bull Terrier Puppy
Bull Terrier Puppy Character

Origins and history:
The origin of this breed , there is certainly the Manchester Terrier and the English White Terrier, now disappeared. The white dress has long been the only accepted by the standard and is still widely used today . This is due to the introduction of blood Dalmatian done by James Hink , which can be considered the " father" of the race as we know it today . His work was continued by his children James and Fred and his little son Carleton, son of James Jr., who started breeding in 1920 with the affix " Brum ", the most famous in the world. It is he who has produced for the first time the "Roman nose" on his champion Lord Gladiator, which was then transmitted to all his descendants.

Character and abilities:
Born as a fighting dog , today is mostly a companion dog and exposure. His character is balanced , provided that the owner does not stimulate aggression . The Bull Terrier loves his master and other members of the family. It has good aging potential .

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